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Vetoquinol’s history: a great adventure

It all began in 1933. In a pharmacy in the town of Lure, in north-eastern France, Joseph Frechin merged his dispensary with a business manufacturing pharmaceutical supplies for people. He called it "Laboratoires biochimiques de l'Est".
一切始于1933年。在法国东北部Lure的一家药店,Joseph Frechin将他的药房与一家为人类生产药品的企业合并。他将其命名为“东部生物化学实验室”。

An entrepreneurial man, Joseph started using the antiseptic properties of oxyquinoline to treat animals. The remedy, baptised “Vétoquinol”, quickly made a name for itself, and Joseph Frechin added a veterinary department to his laboratory.By 1970, to the immense satisfaction of veterinarians, the Vetoquinol catalogue included over 250 products.
Joseph Frechin是个有企业家精神的人,他开始利用氧喹啉的抗菌特性治疗动物。这种药品被称为“Vetoquinol”,很快就出名了,Joseph Frechin于是在他的实验室中增加了一个兽医部门。到了1970年,令兽医们感到无比满意的是,Vetoquinol的产品目录中已经有了250多种产品。

Vetoquinol’s history: going international 

Since then, Vetoquinol has continued to develop a range of medicines and innovative solutions for our clients. With a desire to grow and expand internationally, we created our first subsidiaries in the Netherlands, Ireland and Belgium during the 1980s, allowing 20% of our revenue to be generated outside of France.

In 2004, we set up in China. And in 2006, stock market flotation allowed us to increase our international profile. By 2009, we’d established ourselves in India and by 2011, in Brazil. And thanks to the acquisition of Bioniche Animal Health in 2014, Vetoquinol is now directly present in Australia.
2004年,我们在中国成立全资子公司。2006年,股票市场的上市使我们的国际形象得以提升。到2009年,我们在印度成立分公司,2011年,在巴西成立分公司。2014年收购了Bioniche Animal Health,威隆也因此在澳大利亚也开展了业务。

 Today, we work in 24 countries in Europe, North and South America and the Asia-Pacific region. We have more than 2,500 employees and almost 60 distributors.

During nine decades of Vetoquinol’s history, we’ve built a truly global network which allows us to be close to our clients all over the world.

 90 years of history 90年历史

In 2023, Vetoquinol celebrated its 90th anniversary. 
An anniversary that we wanted to celebrate in unison so that it echoed in every one of our subsidiaries around the world. 

And we have succeeded.

Indeed, 2023 was marked by some exceptional initiatives. Initiatives we'll remember for a long time to come. We invite you
to discover them on this page.


Timeline Vetoquinol 1933

Timeline Vetoquinol 1948

Timeline Vetoquinol 1977

Timeline Vetoquinol 1980

Timeline Vetoquinol 1994

Timeline Vetoquinol 1995

Timeline Vetoquinol 2006

Timeline Vetoquinol 2011

Timeline Vetoquinol 2018

Timeline Vetoquinol 2019

Timeline Vetoquinol 2020